Just like a diamond... You take care of it, keep it shining & you won't let anyone take it away from you...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Today Is The Only Thing That You Have
Just live for today. Act neutral in everything that you do, be satisfied with what you get, & don't forget to take good care of yourself.
manage your time for today so that you can maximize a minute to a year & a second to a month. Beg for forgiveness from God, always remember him so that you'll feel peace in your heart, and live your life today with peace & harmony. Feel satisfied with the food, work, family, home & the condition that you are in.
Live your life today to its fullest, free from sufferings, inconveniences, anger, & jealousy.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Bombastic Baby ;p
He's sooooo cute!!! ^^
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Alright story what's the folks!!! =D
I tell you it's hilarious!!!! ROFL!! =D
Instead of swimming we feed the fishes =_=
But it didn't turn out well..... The swimming pool was being cleaned at that time.... Soooooo we decided to play badminton with the boys instead. But the thing is they only bought 2 rackets, so if we wanna play we have to wait for our turn.
So we waited, waited & waited.... until we were sooo bored..... Then finally they gave us a turn but only for a few minutes....
Instead of sitting there doing nothing, Nadiah & I walk around the sport complex to find something to do.
When it was getting sooo hot, Nadiah said " hey why don't we cool down at the masjid there?"
Then I remembered the jamaah usually feed the fishes in the pond near there & the masjid usually provides the food.
So instead of swimming we feed the fishes.... until our hands smell of fish food... eughhhhh...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Love in a Mist
So here it goes....
I fear it's very wrong of me
and yet I must admit,
when someone offers friendship,
I want the whole of it.
It's hard to explain the way it feels,
I don't want anybody else,
to share my thoughts with me,
who indisputably,
likes me much more than all the rest.
It's love in a mist,
a blue flowered cultivated plant,
I want it to be so much like me,
who wish this little friendship,
would nurture into something big.
So, please don't let my imaginations run wild,
cos' it hurts whenever you ignore,
it just takes a simple little thing from you.
to make me smile.
It's love in a mist,
a blue flowered cultivated plant,
I want it to be so much like me,
who wish this little friendship,
would nurture into something big...
Thank you for the song Jacq...... =)
I will always cherish it.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Last Day at IIS
I left high school plus most of my friends for good....
Man... I'm gonna missed them all...
I'll always cherish the memories that we had during the past 2 years...
The debates, forums, discussions, jokes, and stories of different types of topics....
The crazy stuff that we do...
I'll try not to forget them... hehehehe =P
To my classmates, teachers, and friends at IIS thank you for everything that you all have done for me.
I'm thankful that I've given the time to meet and know you guys...
Good luck in life to all of you!!!
I'll miss you guys soooooo much!!!
& I hope we'll meet again some day =)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
SPM is Finally Over!!!!!!
It was sooooo stressful I tell ya, but I know that I've done my best =)
So I'm just gonna sit back, relax.... and wait for the results to come next year.
Well I'll still be applying for colleges and unis and all that, but while waiting I'll catch up on some reading, watching TV, and of course surfing the Internet hehehehehehe =P
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
After the movie we went to the mamak stall to get a bite. I got my rice, curry, bla bla bla. Got a place to sit in front of my bro & I went to the basin to wash my hands. I went back to table & started eating.
My father beside me stared at me for a while then he start eating. After a few minutes or so I started thinking my curry taste different. Then I realized this is not my plate, then I looked at my father's plate & I started saying "Hey that's my plate!!" Then my father started laughing, he said "It took you quite a while to realize, hahahaha"
Man I didn't finish my plate after that... No mood... & I was sooo embarrassed since the people there was also looking at us.... T_T
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Following the colossal battle against the Empire's warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep, including Eragon's oath to his cousin Roran to help rescue Roran's beloved, Katrina, from King Galbatorix's clutches.But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too.The Varden are in desperate need of his talents and strength, as are the elves and dwarves.When unrest claims the rebels and danger strikes from every corner, Eragon must make choices -- choices that take him across the Empire and beyond, choices that may lead to unimagined sacrifice.
Conflict, action, adventure and one devastating death await readers as Eragon battles on behalf of the Varden while Galbatorix ruthlessly attempts to crush and twist him to his own purposes. Rich with a thoughtful examination of Eragon’s maturing psyche, BRISINGR explores how Eragon must come to terms with his role as a leader and the moral obligations that weigh heavily upon his young shoulders as a Dragon Rider.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So I guess I'll just dedicate this song to my classmates & all of my friends =)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Coming Back To School
Ah well... I guess there is a lesson for all of us and that is DO SOME EXERCISES DURING THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Teen Court Disaster XD
- Accused: How Hong
- Judge: Jacq
- Defenders: Sharon & Duncan
- Prosecutors: Jun Yip & Ishwin
- Jury: me (foreman), Yuh kang, Jeremy (later become a witness)
Case: How Hong was accused of drawing graffities on the school walls & vandalising the furniture of the library.
The court started with the prosecutors questioning the accused.
JY: Where were you during that time?
HH: I was at home
Ish: But how come we saw your face in the CCTV?
HH: Ohh that was my twin brother.
JY: Where's your twin brother now?
HH: He died already...
Ish: And when was that?
HH: Last year...
JY: If he died last year, how come you said that was him in the CCTV?
HH: Oh, my last year means yesterday =)
Ish: Does anyone know that you're at home?
Jer: Yes! I know!
Ish: And who might you be?
HH: Cousin!, Jer: Outsider! (at the same time)
JY: What were you 2 doing?
HH: Sleeping
Jer: Playing his computer
Ish: You let an outsider play your computer while you're sleeping?
HH: Yes, he's my friend
JY: Ahhh
The defenders didn't have that much to say. They asked How Hong whether he has any enemies.
HH: Yeah.... I think I'm framed by him!!! (pointing at Jun Yip)
JY: Hey I've got nothing to do with it!!
Time was up and the juries gave their verdict.
Me: Since we don't have that much proof it's preety hard to decide... But we think that How Hong, his twin brother, and Jeremy were in this together. So, as a punishment they should be fined for the furniture they vandalise and wash away all the graffities they drew.
Jacq: Since there is not enough evidence that they are Innocent therefore I agree with the juries.
Myspace Comments at WishAFriend.com
Last Day With Ellie...
Ellie is fun, loving and very down to earth kind of person. Everyday we will be making jokes, laughing and playing along with her. A day without her will be very different and dull....
She is very kind to others and whenever she smiles we can feel her warmth...
Ellie... we'll miss the talks, we'll miss the laughs, and we'll miss the jokes that we'd have together...
If you are reading this Ellie, just remember that we'll never forget you and we'll miss you. And hope we'll meet again someday... ^_^
Myspace Quotes Comments & Graphics
Friday, May 30, 2008
I'm Back!!!
It's just that i was too lazy to update it... Hehehehe =P
But now I'm back!! And it's all because of my friends =)
Jacq & Ishwin encourages me to update.
Now Yuh Kang & How Hong have their own blogs, so I guess I should update so that they'll have something to read the next time they visit.
So from now onwards I'll write anything interesting that have happened ;D
Graphics for Quotes Comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Sob In The Night
Crying her eyes out 'till her tears are all gone
No one tries to comfort her
They all just ignore her
In the day she'll pretend to be happy
Giving smiles to everybody
But in the night she'll weep
While everybody is asleep
From the outside she may look strong & full of gaiety
But deep inside she is weak & full of misery
No one knows her feelings & thoughts inside
Only God knows how she is feeling deep inside
She hoped that He will send down an angel
Whenever there's a sob in the night....
I Wish....
no more problems, no more tears.
I wish that love will come and find me