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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Teen Court Disaster XD

Yesterday during English period, our class held a teen court. It was very exciting and very funny :D

  • Accused: How Hong

  • Judge: Jacq

  • Defenders: Sharon & Duncan

  • Prosecutors: Jun Yip & Ishwin
  • Jury: me (foreman), Yuh kang, Jeremy (later become a witness)

Case: How Hong was accused of drawing graffities on the school walls & vandalising the furniture of the library.

The court started with the prosecutors questioning the accused.

JY: Where were you during that time?

HH: I was at home

Ish: But how come we saw your face in the CCTV?

HH: Ohh that was my twin brother.

JY: Where's your twin brother now?

HH: He died already...

Ish: And when was that?

HH: Last year...

JY: If he died last year, how come you said that was him in the CCTV?

HH: Oh, my last year means yesterday =)

Ish: Does anyone know that you're at home?

Jer: Yes! I know!

Ish: And who might you be?

HH: Cousin!, Jer: Outsider! (at the same time)

JY: What were you 2 doing?

HH: Sleeping

Jer: Playing his computer

Ish: You let an outsider play your computer while you're sleeping?

HH: Yes, he's my friend

JY: Ahhh

The defenders didn't have that much to say. They asked How Hong whether he has any enemies.

HH: Yeah.... I think I'm framed by him!!! (pointing at Jun Yip)

JY: Hey I've got nothing to do with it!!

Time was up and the juries gave their verdict.

Me: Since we don't have that much proof it's preety hard to decide... But we think that How Hong, his twin brother, and Jeremy were in this together. So, as a punishment they should be fined for the furniture they vandalise and wash away all the graffities they drew.

Jacq: Since there is not enough evidence that they are Innocent therefore I agree with the juries.


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